Executive Protection


The evolving and multifaceted nature of the threat, the crisogenic nature of hostile environments or degraded situations call for the implementation of appropriate responses, particularly in the context of close protection of persons. Corpguard Protection Unit is committed to putting its expertise at your service through tailor-made solutions.

DUTY OF CARE FOR employee safety

The safety of people, employees and executives has become a major issue for companies developing in an international context. The security issue is all the more important for employers since the duty of care in terms of security is now an obligation of result (Sanofi case law, December 2012 : https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichJuriJudi.do?idTexte=JURITEXT000025216772 )

Physical protection of persons, security accompaniment

The physical protection of persons services consists in ensuring the safety and physical integrity of our clients during their professional or private trips. 

Our network of collaborators is made up of highly qualified personnel whose involvement in close protection missions is based on proven expertise in hostile environments and whose operating methods are derived from the armed and security forces.  

Our areas of EXPERTISE: close protection and security for international mobility

Your safety is our priority. The responsiveness and high qualification of Corpguard Protection Unit’s consultants enable us to guarantee an adapted service in all circumstances. 

  • Personnal Security Detail for executives, foreign dignitaries, VIPs, journalists…
  • Physical protection of people in unstable or crisogenic areas (social movements, demonstrations, post-attack situations, hostile zones, war or post-conflict areas)
  • Protection of professionals particularly at risks and working in volatile areas.
  • Securing international business travel for business travellers. 

A LICENSED and recognized expertise

Since 2006, the Corpguard Group has specialized in risk management. Customer satisfaction is at the heart of our concerns. Thus, each request is unique and treated with the utmost care in order to offer a system specifically designed and adapted to your requirements.

The Corpguard Group works with highly qualified and experienced consultants (men and women) who share the fundamental values of high standards, rigor and discretion, and who are also subject to the authorizations issued by the National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS). 

Highly committed to governance, Groupe Corpguard is a member of various national and international professional security organizations guaranteeing compliance with a code of ethical and responsible standards. 

In particular, Corpguard is one of three French companies to be certified by the ISO 18788 standard establishing a security operations management system (SMOS). 

Corpguard is also a member of the ICoCA association. David HORNUS, the director of Corpguard, has been elected to the ICoCA Board of Directors for a three-year term. 

ISO Standard 18788: https://www.iso.org/fr/standard/63380.html

ICoCA: https://www.icoca.ch/fr